We help people manage their communication
using quality assurance procedures
We can help you to use procedures by which you:
maintain a good linguistic quality of your messages
ensure a high degree of clarity
avoid things that would hurt a participant, e.g. that would hurt your image
keep redundancy at a necessary level
using also people
When you receive more messages than you can process, you can task our people to handle a part of your communication while you keep control of your entire communication.
You can ask us to point out which of your contacts benefit you most over a certain period of time, which can both increase your revenue and reduce the cost of your communication.
You can pay us e.g. a percentage of your net revenue caused by the communication handled by them. Because our communicators are only one factor that influences this revenue, you can negotiate with us the lower limit of your payment to be the product of man-hours and a low hourly fee.